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Types of Car Accident Injuries

 Posted on December 20, 2014 in Personal Injury

types of car accident injuries, personal injury lawyer in HartfordEven seemingly minor car accidents can lead to serious medical problems if they go untreated. Accident victims often face a variety of unfamiliar medical terms that can make the whole examination and treatment process more confusing. However, it is important that patients pursue such examination and treatment promptly.

This speed is important because of a legal doctrine known as a statute of limitations. Statutes of limitations are laws that place time limits on people's ability to bring lawsuits for harms that they have suffered. Connecticut's statute of limitations for injury in a car accident is unusually short. Victims only have two years from the time when they discover or should have discovered their injury before courts bar them from recovering damages for their injuries. This makes it especially important for people to understand their injuries, so that they can bring them to an attorney.

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The Law Surrounding the Possession of Child Pornography

 Posted on December 15, 2014 in Sex Crime Charges

possession of child pornography. Hartford criminal defense attorneyChild pornography has become more prevalent since the advent of the internet and the proliferation of cameras. Consequently, law enforcement at both the state and federal levels have begun cracking down on people who possess child pornography. This has created a patchwork of federal and local laws that people are subject to. However, it is still important for people to understand this complex patchwork since the penalties for violating it can be incredibly severe.

State Law

Connecticut law on the possession of child pornography criminalizes knowingly possessing some amount of images of child pornography, which is defined as video or images depicting someone under the age of 16 engaging in sexually explicit conduct. The penalties for the crime depend on the amount of images a person has in their possession. Fewer than 20 images is a Class D felony punishable by five years in prison, with a one year mandatory minimum sentence. Possession of between 20 and 50 images is a Class C felony punishable by at most 20 years in prison, with a two year mandatory minimum sentence. More than 50 images brings it up to a Class B felony, and increases the mandatory minimum sentence to five years. However, the state law does make some reductions in severity if the person who possesses the images is a minor because of the prevalence of teenagers with cell phone cameras.

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Connecticut Sexual Assault Laws and Punishments

 Posted on December 04, 2014 in Criminal Law

Connecticut sexual assault laws, Hartford sex crimes attorneySexual assault is a highly complex crime under Connecticut law. At its most severe, it can be a class A felony, the second most serious class that Connecticut law allows for, but it can also be punished as a mere misdemeanor. This is because Connecticut recognizes four degrees of sexual assault, with first degree being the most serious and fourth degree being the least serious. On top of the different degrees, there are also aggravating or mitigating factors for some of the crimes, things that make them more or less serious.

Degrees of Sexual Assault

Which degree of sexual assault a person is charged with varies depending on a variety of factors. These include things like the relationship between the offender and the victim, the type of force used, the type of sex acts performed, and the age of the victim, among others. For instance, first-degree sexual assault occurs when a person compels another to have sex with him or her either through force or the threat of force against the victim or against another person. However, first-degree sexual assault also occurs when a person has sexual intercourse with a person who is mentally incapacitated to the point where he or she cannot consent, or when a person has sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 13, provided that the offender is more than two years older than the victim.

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Dangerous Weapons in Connecticut

 Posted on November 28, 2014 in Criminal Law

dangerous weapons in Connecticut, Hartford criminal lawyerGun control and Second Amendment rights are an important political topic right now, but the debate over them often obscures other laws about dangerous weapons. Connecticut law ordinarily forbids people from carrying dangerous weapons, but that alone does not provide a clear picture of the law. For instance, not everything that could intuitively be a dangerous weapon actually falls under the law. Instead, the law itself provides a specific list of forbidden types of weapons. The law also includes a list of exceptions where the carrying of certain weapons or by certain people is allowed.

What Dangerous Weapons Are

Dangerous weapons are a broad category that the law breaks down into a list:

  • Specific types of knives, such as dirks, stilettos, switchblades with a blade longer than one and a half inches, and any knife with a blade longer than four inches;

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The Lesson of Ferguson

 Posted on November 28, 2014 in Criminal Law

Ferguson Missouri criminal lawyer, Connecticut criminal attorneyWell we ought to know its not about "Ferguson!" Ferguson was a mere catalyst for what will hopefully be a better USA for people of all colors and creeds.

As many of my colleagues in the criminal defense bar know, when we're traveling on the highway and see those blue flashing lights, 80% of the time the occupants are people of color. 80% plus of our clients are people of color. The Criminal court dockets consists of 80% plus of people of color.

We've sadly come to accept that! But all clearly realize that the disproportionality of these facts are "real".

The Grand Jury proceeding in Ferguson was a farce. "Probable Cause", is the lowest standard of proof in our criminal procedure. The Grand Jury was turned into a one sided full blown trial without the maximum benefit of the right to confrontation. That's not the purpose of a Grand Jury. It's merely to find that lowest denominator -"PC".

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Spousal Sexual Assault in Connecticut

 Posted on November 19, 2014 in Criminal Law

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Time Limits for Filing a Civil Suit After a Car Accident

 Posted on November 13, 2014 in Motor Vehicle Accidents

statute of limitations in Connecticut, Hartford car accident lawyerAfter a serious car accident, life as you know it can easily be turned upside down. You may have to deal with phone calls from insurance companies. Your car may either be in the repair shop or totaled, leaving you without a means of transportation. You or someone else in your vehicle may have been injured.

In the midst of this confusion and uncertainty, the last thing that may come to mind is filing a lawsuit against the driver at fault for the collision. However, if you do not act quickly, you may find yourself unable to seek compensation for your injuries.

Connecticut Statute of Limitations for Car Collisions 

Each state has a statute of limitations dedicated for car accidents that explains how long an injured victim (plaintiff) has to bring a civil suit against the negligent driver (or defendant). If a civil suit is not filed and commenced before the statute of limitations has expired, then the plaintiff is prohibited from ever bringing a lawsuit against that defendant in regards to that particular collision and injuries.

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Date Rape: Alcohol and the Ability to Consent

 Posted on November 05, 2014 in Criminal Law

Connecticut date rape charges, Hartford criminal defense lawyerMost people are familiar with the concept of date rape or acquaintance rape. This is a rape that usually occurs between dating couples. The relationship does not have to be long-term for the term to apply. There is often little confusion when a person initiating sexual contact hears a “no” from the other person to whom the contact is directed. When alcohol is involved, however, and both parties are drunk, consent may be more difficult to decipher; this is why a rape that occurs under these circumstances is sometimes known as “grey rape.” What happens when only one person is drunk, though, and this person later reports a rape against a date who was sober or less intoxicated?

Sexual Contact When Intoxicated

If a person is drunk to the point of unconsciousness or to the point where he or she cannot physically or verbally refuse sexual contact, then anyone initiating sexual contact with this person may be prosecuted for sexual assault. The only question remains asks whether or not the alleged victim of the sexual assault was given alcohol without his or her consent, or if he or she consumed it willingly. Depending on the answer to this question, the accused can face either first or second degree sexual assault charges.

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Amusement Park Accidents and Litigation

 Posted on October 30, 2014 in Personal Injury

amusement park accidents, Connecticut premises liability attorneyOver this past summer, two major amusement park accidents made national headlines. In early June, four individuals were injured when a roller coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California hit a tree and partially derailed. Almost a month later, a cable on a swing ride snapped at Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio. This incident resulted in two injuries. These two accidents caused both amusement park patrons and safety experts to question the safety of America’s amusement parks and analyze what must be done to reduce the number of amusement park accidents.

When amusement park attractions malfunction, serious, catastrophic injuries can result. For instance, when an attraction at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom malfunctioned and cables used to support the ride came loose, a young girl’s feet were severed. Other injuries can include broken bones, strains and sprains, neck and back injuries, and (in extreme cases) loss of limbs. It is important for amusement park patrons to know that amusement parks can be held responsible for patrons’ injuries.

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Receiving Fair Compensation After a Connecticut Truck Accident

 Posted on October 23, 2014 in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Hartford truck crash lawyerRecently, the Courant reported that the family of a Department of Transportation worker killed in a truck accident was awarded $7.29 million in damages following a trial in Hartford. The DOT employee was working on Route 8 in Waterbury when he was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer. At the time of the collision, the worker was observed wearing personal protective equipment and following OSHA safety guidelines. The driver’s truck was seen veering off of the pavement and onto the shoulder at the time the worker was hit. A jury deliberated for less than an hour before finding both the truck driver and employer negligent and thus responsible for the losses of the worker and his family.

Compensating a Family for a Deceased Love One

Many victims of truck collisions, unfortunately, suffer a similar fate. The sheer size and weight of trucks, semis, and tractor-trailers make it highly likely that any collision with another car will result in catastrophic injuries to the driver and passengers of the car. A collision with a pedestrian, motorcyclist, or bicyclist will almost certainly be fatal.

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